Indonesian Journal of Science and Education <p><img src="" /></p> <table style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="left">Original title</td> <td>:</td> <td><strong>Indonesian Journal of Science and Education</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">English title</td> <td>:</td> <td><strong>Indonesian Journal of Science and Education </strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Short title</td> <td>:</td> <td><strong>IJOSE</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Abbreviation</td> <td>:</td> <td><strong></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Frequency</td> <td>:</td> <td><strong>2 issues per year (April &amp; October)</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Number of articles per issue</td> <td>:</td> <td><strong>6 research articles per issue</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">DOI</td> <td>:</td> <td><strong>10.31002/ijose</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">PISSN</td> <td>:</td> <td><strong><a title="p-ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2598-5213</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">EISSN</td> <td>:</td> <td><strong><a title="e-ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2598-5205</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">EIC</td> <td>:</td> <td><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Ahmad Muhlisin</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Publisher</td> <td>:</td> <td><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Science Education Department</a>, <a href="">Faculty of Teacher Training and Education</a>, <a href="">Universitas Tidar </a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Citation Analysis</td> <td>:</td> <td><strong><a title="GS" href=";hl=en" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar</a>, <a title="Dimensions" href=";and_facet_source_title=jour.1337277" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Dimensions</a>, <a title="Garuda" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Garuda</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Language</td> <td>:</td> <td><strong>Indonesia</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Aims &amp; Scope</td> <td>:</td> <td> <p> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><em>Indonesian Journal of Science and Education </em>published a scientific paper on the results of the study and review of the literature in the science and education.</p> <p>In detail, the scopes of this journal are research in<br />1) Science education;<br />2) Biology education;<br />3) Physics education;<br />4) Chemistry education;<br />5) Science Educational Technology;<br />6) Environmental science;<br />7) Physics;<br />8) Chemistry; and<br />9) Biology.</p> Universitas Tidar en-US Indonesian Journal of Science and Education 2598-5213 The Development of Digital Teaching Materials on The Topic of Sound Waves to Practice Problem Solving Skills <p>The low ability of students in problem solving and teaching materials that are still lacking for students to be able to make learning resources, especially learning from home. In general, this study aims to describe the feasibility of digital teaching materials on sound wave materials developed to practice&nbsp; ;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; problem solving skills. In particular, this study aims to describe; (1) The validity of digital teaching materials, (2) The practicality of digital teaching materials, and (3) The effectiveness of digital teaching materials. By developing digital teaching materials in the form of teaching materials, lesson plans, student worksheet, and study result test. The research was developed using the ADDIE model. The test subjects were 14 students of class XI MIPA 1 SMA Negeri 10 Banjarmasin. The sampling technique was carried out based on consistency in the pre-test, post-test, and attendance. The research data were obtained from validation test sheets, learning outcomes tests, and student response questionnaires. The data were analyzed descriptively-qualitatively, the average, and the minimum completeness criteria. The results showed that; (1) The validity of teaching materials with an average score of 3.63 is in the very good category, (2) the practicality of teaching materials with an average of 3.24 gets a good category, and (3) the effectiveness of teaching materials using the Minimum Completeness Criteria declared effective with 86% of students having a minimum completeness criteria score and an N-gain of 0.71 so that digital teaching materials can be said to be good. The conclusions of the research obtained are the development of digital teaching materials on Sound Wave material to practice problem solving skills which are declared suitable for use in learning activities. With the existence of digital teaching materials, sound waves can be a decent source of learning for students and practice problem solving skills</p> Rahmida Yolanda Abdul Salam M Dewi Dewantara Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Science and Education 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 8 1 1 15 10.31002/ijose.v8i1.71 Identification of Students' Misconceptions using Four-Tier Diagnostic Assessment in Physics Learning Phase F <p>This research aims to identify students' misconceptions about momentum and impulse material using a four-tier diagnostic assessment instrument to implement learning evaluation in the Merdeka curriculum. This type of research is descriptive with a qualitative approach, with data collection techniques carried out through assessments and interviews. Interview data is used to reinforce assessment data. The instrument used in the study is a four-tier diagnostic test on momentum and impulse developed by the researchers. The results showed that 50% of students experienced misconceptions about momentum matter due to the assumption that if two objects move with the same kinetic energy should have the same speed so that the momentum of both objects can be determined by ignoring their velocity. Then, as many as 13. 9% of students experience misconceptions about the law of conservation of matter momentum because of students' assumptions that ignore direction on velocity vector quantities. In other physics concepts, some students are less careful in calculations. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for teachers in designing more meaningful Merdeka curriculum-based learning plans to help students better understand the concepts of momentum and impulse.</p> Agung Prastyo Hanun Fithriyah Alma Dias Rahmawati Elvin Yusliana Ekawati Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Science and Education 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 8 1 16 25 10.31002/ijose.v8i1.569 The Optimization of Chlorophyll Extraction from Ulva Sp. with Ultrasound-Assisted Liquid Biphasic Systems Method <p><em>Ulva</em> sp. is a type of green algae that is easily found in the shallow seas of Indonesia and contains various bioactive compounds. Chlorophyll is a bioactive compound that functions as a natural dye, free radical scavenger, and antioxidant in the body. Chlorophyll extraction with conventional methods requires a relatively long time and large amount of solvent. In this research, chlorophyll extraction from <em>Ulva</em> sp. with the Ultrasound-Assisted Liquid Biphasic System (UALBS) method. <em>Ulva</em> sp. as much as 2.5 grams mixed in acetone solvent, added K<sub>2</sub>HPO<sub>4</sub> solution, and carried out the sonification process in a dark room. The extraction process performs at a parameter range of 5-15 minutes, ratio 0.05-0.1 g/mL, and 60-100 mesh particle size. The extracted filtrate was added with petroleum ether and distilled water to form a biphasic condition. The extracted chlorophyll was analyzed with chromatography and spectrophotometry method. Antioxidant activity was analyzed using the DPPH method. The optimum result of <em>Ulva</em> sp. chlorophyll extraction at an extraction time of 10 minutes, the ratio of solids to solvent was 0.1, the particle size of 60 mesh produced a yield of 1.88% with chlorophyll a 20.13664%, chlorophyll b 21.58672% and total chlorophyll 41.71012%, and the percentage inhibition 45.32%. &nbsp;</p> Susilowati Fakhri Arkaan Humaidi Boy Fachri Bekti Palupi Meta Fitri Rizkiana Istiqomah Rahmawati Helda Wika Amini Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Science and Education 2024-04-13 2024-04-13 8 1 26 41 10.31002/ijose.v8i1.1085 Assessment of Factors Militating Against Agricultural Science Practical in Secondary Schools in Kwara State, Nigeria <p>This study assessed the factors militating against agricultural science practical in secondary schools in Kwara State, Nigeria. A descriptive survey research design was used, and a sample of 478 agricultural science teachers was selected using multistage sampling techniques. Five research questions were raised and answered while five null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 5% level of significance. Data was collected through a self-developed questionnaire and analysed using frequency count, percentage, mean, and Pearson-Product Moment Correlation. The findings revealed that insufficient human resources, negative attitudes of learners, limited time, financial resources, and inadequate infrastructure were significant challenges impeding the successful implementation of agricultural science practical in secondary schools. The study recommends among others that government should prioritize the recruitment of qualified and experienced agricultural science teachers to teach agricultural science practical in secondary schools.</p> Ibrahim Oba Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Science and Education 2024-04-20 2024-04-20 8 1 42 56 10.31002/ijose.v8i1.489 Implementation of Argument Driven Inquiry Instructional Model to Improve Cognitive Learning Outcomes <p>Cognitive learning outcomes are important basic skills that students must master. Science learning must be designed so that it can optimally provide students with the cognitive dimension. The importance of cognitive learning outcomes is in contrast to conditions in the field. Students' cognitive abilities in science learning are still low, especially at levels C2, C3 and C4. Observation results at Ihsanul Fikri Mungkid IT Middle School show that students' cognitive learning outcomes are still below the specified average, namely 78. The aim of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of learning using the Argument Driven Inquiry model in improving junior high school students' cognitive learning outcomes. This research uses a quantitative approach of the Quasi Experiment type, data analysis is carried out using the Mann Whitney test, N-Gain test, and effect size test. The research results show that the Argument Driven Inquiry (ADI) learning model is effective in improving the cognitive learning outcomes of junior high school students with an N-Gain of 0,7444, which is in the high category.</p> Aza Mazita Siswanto Siswanto Suwito Singgih Nuryunita Dewantari Djoko Sri Bimo Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Science and Education 2024-04-20 2024-04-20 8 1 57 64 10.31002/ijose.v8i1.1446 STEM-7E Learning Cycle Learning Tools with Formative Assessment to Enhance Critical Thinking <p>Maximum learning requires planning and strategies in learning. This study aims to develop a learning tool product for dynamic fluid material based on STEM-7E Learning cycle with formative assessment to improve critical thinking skills of high school students. This research uses the research and development (R&amp;D) method by following the stages of the 4D model and carried out until the develop stage. After the product was developed, the validity of the product was tested by two validators and 32 students of SMA Brawijaya Smart School Malang for the practicality test. The overall product validity test results were 100% and the product practicality test results were 98.25%. Based on the results of the validity and practicality tests, the developed product has a very valid and very practical category. </p> Rania Nukhba Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Science and Education 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 8 1 65 80 10.31002/ijose.v8i1.1394 Why is Chemistry Education? Exploring the Motivation of Student Choices <p>Learning motivation is critical to educational success, influencing students' engagement, persistence, and overall performance. Despite its importance, motivation determines students' choices for future careers and struggles in participating in learning activities. The aim was to characterize students' chemistry learning motivation in detail using the Academic Motivation Scale - Chemistry (AMS-Chemistry). This study employs a descriptive qualitative research design. The qualitative approach allows an in-depth exploration of personal experiences and perceptions of learning motivation in chemistry education. The AMS-Chemistry instrument consists of 28 statement items that measure aspects of amotivation, three types of extrinsic motivation, and three types of intrinsic motivation. The results show that the motivation profile to learn Chemistry in Chemistry Education students using the AMS-Chemistry instrument on the amotivation subscale tends to disagree (55,46%). On intrinsic motivation, the to know subscale tends to agree (65,80%) strongly, the to accomplish subscale has a high score on strongly agree (48,85%) responses, and the to experience subscale tends to respond strongly agree (35,34%). Extrinsic motivation includes the external regulation subscale tending to strongly agree (55,17%) and the introjected regulation subscale having a high score on strongly agree (62,36%) responses. The identified regulation subscale has a strongly agree (68,97%) response tendency.</p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Setia Rahmawan Atep Rian Nurhadi Enggal Mursalin Rahmiati Darwis Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Science and Education 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 8 1 81 90 10.31002/ijose.v8i1.1565 The Effect of Project Based Learning Model on Science Literacy Skills of Grade V Elementary School Students <p>This study aims to see the effect of project-based learning model in improving science literacy skills of elementary school students. This study used a non-equivalent control group research design with 56 samples divided into experimental and control groups. The instruments used were science literacy tests and observation sheets. The results of the pretest and posttest mean difference test of the control group using paired sample T-test. The results of data calculation obtained Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000, p&lt;0.05, so it can be concluded that there is a difference between the pretest and posttest results in the control group. The results of this test indicate that the treatment given to both the experimental and control classes has an effect on science literacy skills. It is concluded that the project-based learning model can effectively improve students' literacy skills based on the research conducted. The results of the analysis of science literacy skills of students whose learning uses project-based learning are higher than students who do not use project-based learning.</p> Musfika Ali Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Science and Education 2023-04-29 2023-04-29 8 1 91 97 10.31002/ijose.v8i1.727