
Journal of Livestock Science and Production is a peer-review journal which upholds the standards of academic publication ethics and against plagiarisms. Therefore it is important to set and obey the ethical behavior for scientific journals publication of all stakeholders including: the authors, editors, peer reviewers, the publishers and the society to create conducive scientific environment and to avoid certain problems that may arise due to some conflict of interests.


Publication and Authorship

For those who have performed a contribution to the concept of the research, research design, data acquisition and analysis, or interpretation of the reported study should be included to the research paper. The entire persons who have made significant contributions of manuscript should be listed as co-authors. The person who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the research but do not qualify as co-authors, they should be acknowledged or listed as contributors. Corresponding author and co-authors have to responsible for the paper authorship. The corresponding author should make sure that all the co-authors listed in paper have seen and approved the paper and have agreed to the submission for publication.


Obligations of Authors

Authors are obliged to follow in the process of peer review set by Journal of Livestock Science and Production (JaLSPro). The submitted manuscript should not be under consideration or accepted for other journals. The use of data which have been publised elsewhere, should be cited properly. Authors should provide original data without plagiarism or manipulation. All forms of plagiarism such as copying or paraphrasing substantial parts of another’s paper without citation, acknowledging another’s paper as the author’s own paper, claiming results from another’s paper as the author’s own paper. Plagiarism in all its form included as unethical publishing behaviour and unacceptable by Journal of Livestock Science and Production (JaLSPro). Authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works concerning the manuscript submitted to Journal of Livestock Science and Production (JaLSPro). All sources of financial supports for the research project and study sponsor(s) (if any) along with their role in the research or study, should be stated in the Acknowledgement. Research employing animal, performed by authors should ensure that the study are performed according to animal ethics and welfare.


Obligations of Editors

Journal of Livestock Science and Production (JaLSPro) editors are responsible for deciding which submitted articles should be accepted to publish and which one to be rejected. They should have no conflict of interests regarded to articles they accept or reject. Editors should be objective and fair in conducting their duties without making any discrimination on gender, ethnic, religion, political view, or geographical origin of the authors. Editors should also accept manuscripts based on academic merit and without commercial orientation.


Obligations of Reviewers

Reviewers are obliged to assist in improving manuscript quality through an objective review process within a scheduled period time. They also have to contribute on decision-making process on the manuscript. Reviewers have to inform the editors if they find any published or submitted content similar to that under their review. Reviewers should have no conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and/or the research funders. Any confidentiality of information supplied by the editor or author should be maintained. 


Publishing Ethics Issues

The authors, reviewers, and editors should maintain the integrity of academic record during the whole process of publication. Financial orientation and business should be precluded from compromising intellectual and ethical standards.


Animal Ethics Issues

The authors should ensure that the research involving animals are performed according to animal ethics and welfare. All experimental animals should be treated and used in compliance with international, national, or local regulations. The authors could refer to International Standards for Editors and Authors (http://publicationethics.org/international-standards-editors-and-authors) by COPE (committee on Publication Ethics) for policies that are not stated in this instructons.



Journal of Livestock Science and Production

Departement of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Tidar

Jl. Kapten Suparman 39 Potrobangsan, Magelang Utara, Jawa Tengah 56116, Indonesia

Phone  : +62-293-364113

Email   : jalspro@untidar.ac.id
Website: http://jurnal.untidar.ac.id/index.php/jalspro

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