KABASTRA is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing research results in the fields of language and literature. All publications in the journal KABASTRA are open access which allows articles to be freely available online. KABASTRA is professionally managed and published by UPA Bahasa Tidar University in collaboration with HISKI Kedu to assist lecturers, academics, practitioners, researchers, teachers, and the general public in disseminating their research results. The following statement emphasizes the ethical behaviour of all parties involved in journal management, namely, authors, editorial boards, reviewers, managing editors, and publishers.


Author assignment:

  1. Writing Standards: The author presents his writing clearly and discusses its significance. In addition, the author must convey the results of his research honestly, without fabrication, falsification, or data manipulation. Writing should contain sufficient detail as well as reading references. Submissions must also follow the writing and submission guidelines set by the journal.
  2. Authenticity and Plagiarism: The author ensures that all parts of the writing are the result of his work. Articles may not be submitted to more than one publication, unless the editorial board approves co-publication. Various relevant previous studies and publications, both from other researchers and authors, must be respected and used as a reference. Primary reading material should be cited. Direct quotations must use quotation marks with proper citations.
  3. Multiple publications: Authors should not submit the same article to more than one journal at the same time. Authors are also expected not to do multiple publications or writings that tell the same results in more than one journal. Multiple publication is considered a violation of publishing ethics and is highly discouraged. Multiple publications originating from a single study must be clearly stated and the main publication must be cited.
  4. Acknowledgment of Data and Information Sources: The author must acknowledge all data and information sources used in the research that influence the results of the writing. Recognition of the work of other parties must also be given a platform.
  5. Authorship: Authorship of research results should reflect the researcher's contribution to the research and its reporting. Authorship should be limited to those who really have important contributions to the conception, design, execution and interpretation of the studies and research written. Other parties who also contribute can be included in the list of co-authors. If the largest contribution is made by the author, then technical or less substantial assistance can be mentioned in the acknowledgment section. The author also ensures that all authors have seen and approved the submitted paper and the inclusion of their names as co-authors.
  6. Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: All authors must clearly disclose sources of funding as well as possible conflicts construed in the writing that could affect their results or interpretation. All research financial sources must be disclosed publicly.
  7. Fundamental Errors in Publication: If the author finds any fatal errors or inaccuracies in the text submitted, the author must inform and work with the editorial board to correct the writing.


Reviewer Tasks:

  1. Trust: All written material submitted by the author must be kept confidential. Reviewers may not discuss it with other parties, unless authorized by the editorial board.
  2. Acknowledgment of Sources: The reviewer must ensure that the author has mentioned all data sources and citations used in his research. Reviewers should be able to identify related publications that have not been cited by authors. All statements originating from observations, derivative results, or arguments that have been published must be accompanied by relevant citations. Reviewers should immediately notify the editorial board if they find any irregularities, ethical violations, or suspicions about research or writing; however, the reviewer must maintain the confidentiality of the writing and not conduct personal investigations, unless the journal requests further information or advice.
  3. Objectivity: The results of written reviews are carried out objectively and the reviewers express their views clearly which are supported by arguments. Reviewers follow the journal's instructions regarding their duties and responsibilities. Reviewers provide constructive input that helps authors to improve their writing. The reviewer must indicate the further investigation required by the author to support the statements contained in the writing.
  4. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest: Privileged information or ideas that arise in the review process must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain. Reviewers are not allowed to consider writing that has a conflict of interest as a consequence of competition, collaboration, or other relationships with authors, companies, or other institutions related to writing. In the double-blind review process, the reviewer notifies the journal if he or she can suspect the identity of the author and is concerned that this could create a conflict of interest.
  5. Timeliness: The editorial board gives appropriate deadlines. The reviewer only agrees to provide a review if he believes he can return the results of his review within the allotted time, and informs if additional time is needed. If the reviewer feels that he cannot complete his assignment on time, then he must inform the editorial board, so that the writing can be sent to other reviewers.
  6. Expertise: Reviewers provide feedback according to their expertise.


Editorial Tasks:

  1. Management Policy: Editors can establish journal management policies, including the appointment of an editorial board, board meeting schedules, review processes, publishing schedules, and innovations for better journal management.
  2. Publishing Decision: From the results of the review, the editorial board has the right to accept, reject, or request corrections to the writing. The editorial board's performance is governed by the policies of the journal's editorial board and is controlled by various legal requirements, including copyright and plagiarism. The editorial board can discuss with other editors and reviewers to make publishing decisions. The editorial board is responsible for everything published, including ensuring the quality and integrity of the publication.
  3. Assessment of Writing: At the initial stage, the editorial board must ensure that all writing meets the initial requirements, especially its authenticity. The editorial board uses a fair review process. The editorial board needs to explain the flow of reviews and ratings to the authors. In editorial meetings, the editorial board uses the review process optimally by selecting reviewers with the most appropriate expertise.
  4. Trust: All writing should be treated fairly. The article is reviewed based on its scientific content, regardless of gender, gender, race, religion, and others. The editorial board must uphold the independence and integrity of the editor. The editorial board ensures that its decisions are fair and unbiased.
  5. Confidentiality: Confidentiality of writing must be maintained. The editorial board must be alert to data protection violations, including requesting a statement of authenticity and a letter of approval for publication.
  6. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest: The editorial board will not use various unpublished writings for their personal gain without the consent of the author. Editorial boards may not engage in reviewing articles in which they have a conflict of interest.


Publisher Duties:

  1. Publishing: publish every journal article that is ready for publication.
  2. Distribution: distributes each published journal article.
  3. Promotion: promote journals to the public so that they can be read by the public and promote so that authors can submit their articles to the KABASTRA journal.