Kajian Bahasa dan Sastra2024-06-23T09:36:12+00:00Jurnal Journal Systems<p>Journal Title: <strong>KABASTRA: Kajian Bahasa dan Sastra</strong><br />Short Title: <strong>KABASTRA</strong> <br />Language: English (preferred); Bahasa Indonesia <br />e-ISSN: 2964-5778<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><br /></a>DOI Prefix: <em>10.31002/kabastra</em> by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong><img src="" width="52" height="14" /></strong></a> <br />Frequency: 2 issues per year<br />Editor in Chief: Imam Baihaqi<br />Citation Analysis:<strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="71" height="12" /></a></strong></p> <p> </p> Sentence Analysis Of The Ministry Of Education's Short Film Series In Teaching Material Recommendation Imperative Sentences Based On Pancasila Learner Profile2024-05-13T02:47:10+00:00Titik Dwi Ramthi Hakimtitik.hakim23@gmail.comUmmu Zulfa<p>Many problems in teaching and learning activities occur due to the ineffectiveness of the media used. Learning media is anything that can be used as an intermediary from the sender (educator) to the recipient (students) so that the learning process occurs. Profil pelajar pancasila supports the independent curriculum program for Pancasila student profiles through its YouTube channel short film series "Cerdas berkarakter” contain profil pelajar pancasila of the Republic of Indonesia". Learning media that can contain dimensions of Pancasila student profiles that can be used for learning media, especially Indonesian, imperative sentence material used in this study. Because it includes the dimensions of the Pancasila student profile, many moral values can be drawn that are relevant to students' daily lives. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach. The method used is descriptive. This study uses a descriptive method, which is divided into two stages, namely the data collection method and the data analysis method. The total results of imperative sentences from all short film series are 67 imperative sentences consisting of 19 subtle imperative sentences, 1 imperative imperative sentence of omission, 17 imperative sentences of request, 12 imperative sentences of invitation, and 18 imperative sentences of prohibition. There are many messages that are relevant to everyday life in each of the short films on the YouTube channel "Cerdas berkarakteristics of profil pelajar pancasila of the Republic of Indonesia". In particular, the message of caring for others is found in almost all of the short films about Pancasila student profiles.</p>2024-06-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Titik Dwi Ramthi Hakim, Ummu Zulfa Mardliyah Sosial dalam Novel Corona Karya Sdavincii2024-05-13T02:45:00+00:00Rafli Adi Fadhilah Rizqi<p>This research aims to describe the social conflict contained in the novel Corona by Sdavincii. The method used to collect data is the literature study method. Then, to analyze the data, a qualitative descriptive method was used which was carried out by taking problems or focusing on problems as they were when the research was carried out. The results of this research show that the conflicts contained in the Corona novel are political conspiracy issues, health conflicts about Corona, economic conflicts about economic differences between Aragon and Catalan, moral conflicts about good moral issues, family conflicts about the Lago family and the Ella family.</p>2024-06-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rafli Adi Nugroho, Anwar Mubharok, Nur Fadhilah Rizqi Ramadhani Novel Winter In Tokyo Karya Ilana Tan dalam Bentuk Film Winter In Tokyo Karya Fajar Bustomi2024-05-13T02:36:41+00:00Zulia Munna Adzka Permatasari Syaputri Fiqih Ayu<p>This research aims to explore the ecranization of the novel "Winter In Tokyo" by Ilana Tan into a film directed by Fajar Bustomi. The research focuses on the forms of storyline, setting, and character ecranization in the transfer from novel to film. The approach used is a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The descriptive method describes the forms of ecranization manifested in the novel and film "Winter In Tokyo". The primary data sources come from the novel by Ilana Tan and the movie directed by Fajar Bustomi, with data collection involving reading, watching, and note-taking techniques. The results are presented using descriptive analysis techniques with steps involving description, analysis, and conclusion. This study shows that various forms of ecranization, such as additions, subtractions, and changes, affect the final result in the adaptation process of "Winter In Tokyo" from novel to film.</p>2024-06-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Zulia Munna Khasanah, Sindi Awaliyah, Yasmine Adzka Sajida, Zeinny Permatasari Syaputri Damanik, Natasya Fiqih Syahrani, Tommi Yuniawan, Qurrota Ayu Neina Nilai Pendidikan Moral Cerpen “Istriku” Karya Etik, ST (Kajian Psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud)2024-05-13T02:37:37+00:00Nasywa Maudyna Anjaniodynaa25@gmail.comIrene Gabriella Siholeirenesihole21@gmail.comEva Dwi<p>Based on Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory, the "id, ego and superego" perspective, this research aims to explain the value of moral education in the ST story "My Wife by Ethics". Statements or quotations from texts that contain moral educational value are the data sources for this research. This study is qualitative in nature. The 4-page short story entitled My Ethics Work, ST, which was first published by the Student Press Institute PENDAPA Tamansiswa, is the data source for this research. Reading and note-taking methods were used to collect research data. Next, data analysis is carried out by reducing, presenting and drawing conclusions. The research results show that in the short story Istriku, the perspectives of the id, ego and superego are very important for moral education. In Totok's impulsiveness to borrow money and his threat to Ajik, the id perspective is reflected. Ego is shown when Totok cannot balance his needs with moral reality, such as in killing his wife. The superego is reflected in Totok's regret and Ajik's actions, which show awareness of social and moral norms. This research increases our understanding of the value of moral education in the short story Istriku, as well as its contribution to psychoanalysis and literary studies.</p>2024-06-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nasywa Maudyna Anjani, Irene Gabriella Sihole, Eva Dwi Kurniawan Tutur Ilokusi dalam Tayangan Mata Najwa "Eksklusif: Ganjar Pranowo dan Piala Dunia" (Kajian Pragmatik)2024-05-13T02:47:56+00:00Fitria Friska<p>Speech acts are speech behaviors that have an impact on the effectiveness of communication. The speech act itself has three types, namely locution, illocution, and perlocution. Illocutionary speech acts are classified into five functions, including assertive, directive, expressive, declarative, and commissive. This research aims to describe the results of illocutionary speech acts in the Mata Najwa talk show dialog, using the five functions of illocutionary speech acts. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method, the subject of this research is the speech of Najwa Shihab and Ganjar Pranowo contained in the Mata Najwa program with the title "Exclusive, Ganjar Pranowo and the World Cup". The data collection technique is done by using listening and note taking technique. The object of this research is all speech acts contained in the dialog. The most data were found in the assertive function illocutionary speech acts, which is fifteen data and the least data of declarative function speech acts were found, which is one data.</p>2024-06-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fitria Friska Novianti Peristiwa Era Orde Baru, Reformasi, dan Nilai Juang Mahasiswa dalam Novel Laut Bercerita2024-05-13T02:35:44+00:00Fauziah Dwi Zanuba Shafwatu<p>The events of the new order and reformation in the novel The Sea Speaks His Name are one of the events that are interesting to explore further about reality that occurred at that time. The objectives of this research are 1) comparing the events in literary works with actual events, 2) identifying political issues in the new order and reformation, 3) analyzing the fighting value of the main character. The research method used is qualitative with a mimetic approach. The results of this research are that the events and issues in this novel are imitations of the reality of the new order and reformation era. In addition, the two main characters have fighting values that can be implemented in the real world.</p>2024-06-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fauziah Dwi Febriyanti, Assifa Zanuba Qotrunnada, Lukluk Shafwatu Niswa, Vira Syafira, Taufik Arochman Kepribadian Tokoh Karang dalam Novel Rintik Terakhir Karya Sri Puji Hartini 2024-05-13T02:48:48+00:00Nabilla Putri<p>This research uses the novel entitled Last Rintik by Sri Puji Hartini as the main data to be studied and analyzed. Because the main character named Karang has a psychological disorder in the form of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) or commonly known as multiple personality. A person who experiences multiple personalities has an abnormal psychological condition due to trauma in the past. This causes Karang to have 4 other personalities within himself. Karang's personalities can be analyzed using Sigmund Freud's personality theory. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The results of this research show that Karang's personalities can be analyzed using Sigmund Freud's personality theory. It can be concluded that every personality in Karang's body has the three personality structures of ideas, ego and superego in Sigmund Freud's personality theory.</p>2024-06-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nabilla Putri Irdiansyah, Anas Ahmadi Media Sosial dalam Novel Egosentris Karya Syahid Muhammad sebagai Bahan Ajar Apresiasi Sastra di SMA2022-01-12T07:31:53+00:00Nindia Dwita Noventidwitanindia99@gmail.comDzikrina Dian Pinaka Ratna Ning<p>This research is motivated by literary works which are a reflection of society that describes everyday reality. The Egocentric novel by Syahid Muhammad tells various realities, especially the reality of social media that occurs in society. This study aims: (1) to describe the reality of social media contained in the Egocentric novel by Syahid Muhammad, then correlated with the current reality, and (2) to produce teaching materials for learning literary appreciation in high school about the reality of social media in the Egocentric novel by Syahid Muhammad. This research is a qualitative research that is examined using the sociology of literature with a mimetic approach. The primary data source of this research is the novel Egocentric by Syahid Muhammad, while the secondary data source is obtained from news articles on the internet. The data of this research are sentences that contain the reality of social media in the novel Egocentric and their correlations in real life. Collecting data using literature study method with reading and note-taking techniques. The data analysis used the analytical description method. The results of the study found 20 social media reality data in the Egocentric novel by Syahid Muhamaad and their correlations in the real world, and produced teaching materials in the form of handouts for class XII SMA at KD 3.8 and 4.8.</p>2024-06-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nindia Dwita Noventi, Dzikrina Dian Cahyani, Theresia Pinaka Ratna Ning Hapsari Sosiologi Sastra Novel “Kembali” Karya Sofia Mafaza2024-05-13T02:42:58+00:00Adhi Dian<p>As social creatures, we must be able to interact socially well with this easy-to-access environment and era. The author is interested in analyzing the novel Back because the novel is very interesting and the storyline that is presented is closely related to students and a social life that is often found in everyday life. This study aims to appreciate literature by reading, studying, enjoying the storyline and analyzing a novel titled Back by Sofia Mafaza. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods, using the study of literary sociology and intrinsic elements. Sociology as a study of literary works related to how one can interact with the surrounding environment. In the research sociology of literature study discusses 1). Sociology of authors 2). Social Condition 3). Social conditions of society 4). Religious values 5). Social society 6) Social culture 7). Intergovernmental social learning and students 8). Educational Value. From the results analyzed using descriptive qualitative methods, this novel discusses the main characters who can interact well between characters. Social interactions in the novel include mutual cooperation, social service, cooperation, meetings and counseling between siblings and siblings.</p>2024-06-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Adhi Dian Perdana dan Fungsi Onomatope dalam Webtoon Diary Mystery Karya Febs2024-05-13T02:39:13+00:00Ema Aprel Liaemaaprellia02@gmail.comIrsyadi Shalimaaderifka9@gmail.comWinasti Rahma<p>This research is motivated by the phenomenon of onomatopoeia in the Webtoon comic Diary Mystery Karya Febs. In addition to speech balloons and narrative text, comics often feature sound imitation effects called onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia in comics has its own form and function. The habit of readers who are too focused on illustrations and speech balloons when reading comics, makes the existence of onomatopoeia ignored and seems to have no function. This causes onomatopoeia to be less recognized by readers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe the form and function of onomatopoeia in Webtoon Diary Mystery by Febs. The reason for choosing Webtoon-based comics as a research source is because digital comics are currently in great demand by readers. In addition, comics with this horror genre were chosen because they contain various onomatopoeias. The theoretical foundation of this research is the theory of onomatopoeia form by Thomas & Clara (2004) and the theory of onomatopoeia function by Brown. This research uses a descriptive qualitative research design with data collection techniques using the methods of listening, note taking, and documentation, and the data analysis uses the referential pairing method.</p>2024-06-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ema Aprel Lia, Irsyadi Shalima; Winasti Rahma Diani Tarik Cerita AU (Alternate Universe): Kenapa Banyak yang Lebih Memilih Cerita AU daripada Buku Fisik?2024-05-13T02:33:54+00:00Rima Putri Khasanahrimaputrik589@gmail.comNabila Putri Kinantinabilaputrikinanthi@gmail.comLiza Rizqi Amalializarizqia21@gmail.comReindani Rahayu<p>Currently, the reading interest of the Indonesian people is very low. This phenomenon is happening because most people spend their time surfing on social media, especially Twitter or X than reading physical books. The world of literacy was also shifted by the emergence of online fiction stories such as the Alternate Universe (AU) interesting to research. The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze the reasons why many people choose Alternate Universe (AU) rather than physical books. The research method used is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The data source came from questionnaires disseminated via Twitter and randomly sampled. This study's results explain that AU stories attract readers because of their various genres, models, appearances, and creativity. No wonder many people are more interested in reading AU than physical books.</p>2024-06-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rima Putri Khasanah, Nabila Putri Kinanti, Liza Rizqi Amalia, Reindani Rahayu Saputri, Karina Cerita Rakyat Putri Pinang Masak dan Roro Jonggrang: Kajian Sastra Bandingan Model Stith Thompson 2024-01-09T08:00:54+00:00Astuty Astutychintiarosidafitriyani@gmail.comLiana Sinta Dewichintiarosidafitriyani@gmail.comChintia Rosida<p>Cultural context cannot be separated from society. Today the existence of folklore is growing. Starting from the development of technology, entertainment media and communication media. Each region has an undocumented oral cultural richness. Sometimes folklore develops only in its native area and is less developed in other areas. Thus, the preservation of folklore is necessary to preserve and disseminate the values to the next generation. Many folktales that develop in various regions often bring up similarities, one of which is the similarity of story motifs. The similarity of folklore motifs can be seen in the folklore of Roro Jonggrang with the folklore of Putri Pinang Masak about the rejection of a love story that results in disappointment and anger of the main character. This study aims to find motifs contained in the folklore of Putri Pinang Masak and Roro Jonggrang. An element of the story consists of several motives depending on the point of view in considering the motives. This research is a research using qualitative methods. Research methods applied to analyze motifs in the folklore of Putri Pinang Masak and Roro Jonggrang. Comparison of folklore motifs using the model of Stith Thompson on the Folklore of Putri Pinang Masak and Roro Jonggrang found 35 motifs. The data consists of: 13 similarity motifs & 7 Putri Pinang Masak folklore motifs and 15 different Roro Jonggrang folklore motifs.</p>2024-06-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Astuty Astuty, Liana Sinta Dewi, Chintia Rosida Fitriyani Sosial dalam Novel Burung Kayu Karya Niduparas Erlang (Tinjauan Sosiologi Sastra)2024-05-13T02:35:01+00:00Dyah sekar Rizki Ryolita<p>This research aims to describe the inner conflicts experienced by the characters in the story novel <em>Burung Kayu </em>Niduparas Erlang's work is based on Soerjono Soekanto's theory of social criticism using a Literary Sociology approach. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The data source for this research is the novel Burung Kayu by Niduparas Erlang, published by Teroka Press in June 2020 with 174 pages. Data research techniques using reading and note-taking methods and literature. The results of this research are social problems which become a social criticism in the novel <em>Burung Kayu</em> according to Soekanto's theory, namely: violence, war, environmental problems.</p>2024-06-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dyah sekar Arum, Laili Rizki Amalia, Widya Ryolita Putri Pembelajaran Pantun dalam Penguatan Karakter Santun Era Digital2024-05-13T02:45:47+00:00Ruli Andayaniruli.andayani@gmail.comIndra<p>Pantun is a classic work of Indonesian literature that still exists today. The didactic values contained in it are still relevant to the times, especially as a strengthening of polite character for the younger generation. As an adaptation and modernization effort, pantun learning can be done by utilizing technology. This research aims to describe (1) the value of polite character in pantun and (2) the form of digital-based pantun learning. The research was conducted descriptively-qualitatively. Data collection was done through observation, interview, and literature study. The research data is in the form of verbal information about pantun obtained from literature review, as well as observation and interview notes. The results showed that through pantun, students can communicate politely, namely when greeting, conveying motivational messages, and giving advice or suggestions among peers. Students showed high enthusiasm when participating in digital-based pantun learning. All students were able to write and display their works according to the stimulus given by the teacher.</p>2024-06-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ruli Andayani, Indra Mardiyana