KABASTRA: Kajian Bahasa dan Sastra originally came from the annual KABASTRA National Seminar organized by Unit Pelaksana Teknis Bahasa Universitas Tidar. This activity has been going on since 2016 which was driven by the Head of the UPT Bahasa Universitas Tidar at that time, namely Dr. Farikah, M.Pd., Head of the Balai Bahasa Jawa Tengah Dr. Pardi Suratno, M.Hum., and Chairman of the HISKI Kedu Commissariat Imam Baihaqi, M.A. Over time, this activity received a very special response from a wide audience. This is evidenced by the quality of the implementation of good and smooth activities. Enthusiasm from speakers and participants was very much and spread from all over the country.

In 2021, at the initiation of the Head of the Unit Pelaksana Teknis Bahasa Universitas Tidar at that time, namely Dr. Mursia Ekawati, M.Hum., Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Teaching and Education Dr. Farikah, M.Pd. and Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Literature Scholars, the Kedu Commissariat, Imam Baihaqi, M.A. agreed to make the KABASTRA journal as a development of the KABASTRA National Seminar activities.

Based on the Decree of the Chancellor of Tidar University number 3197/ UN 57/ K/ HK.02/ 2021 an Editorial Team the KABASTRA Journal was appointed. In addition, based on the Decree of the Chancellor of Tidar University number 3196/ UN57/ K/ HK.02/ 2021, the KABASTRA Journal Reviewers Team was appointed. Then in 2023 there will be an adjustment in the nomenclature for the Unit Pelaksana Teknis Bahasa to become the Unit Pelayanan Akademik Bahasa. Initially, the KABASTRA journal used the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license from Creative Commons. In 2023 based on the agreement of the editorial team, the KABASTRA journal uses the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license from Creative Commons.