(KABASTRA must be written in Bahnschrift font)
(Bahnschrift Font, size 14, CAPITAL LETTER, BOLD, space 1)
The title of the paper should be written concise, clear and informative and not more than 20 words.
First Author a,*, Second Author b,*, Third Author c,*, etc
Not more than 5 authors
a First Affiliation
Address, City, Country Postcode
b Second Affiliation
Address, City, Country Postcode
c Third Affiliation
Address, City, Country Postcode
*Email: Name_email
Abstract (Bahnschrift Font, size 11, Bold, space 1). Abstract must be written in both Indonesian and English. in a short paragraph describing the paper’s content. It consists of background (general statement about the importance of the topic, research problems, literature gaps or gaps between theories and practices, purpose of study), theoretical frameworks, method, main findings (result of study). Abstract should be written in a paragraph (100-150 words), without references/quotation (Bahnschrift font, size 11, single space).
Keywords: (Bahnschrift font, size 11, Capital Letter at the first words, Bold, space 1): not more than five words or phrase, no dot, (Bahnschrift size 11, Italic, single space)
The introduction should be clear and detailed. It describes the issue to be discussed in the manuscript. Author should provide adequate background, literature review in order to reference in solving the problems, show the gap with the other research and the analysis gap to prove the novelties. At the end of the paragraph, the author must write about the objective of the research/ study. Introduction is written in Bahnschrift font, 12pt, space 1,15.
The first paragraph is left aligned, straight to main headings. The next paragraphs are indented first line 0,8 cm.
Theory related study/ research is written here. It should be clear but concise. It consists of the main ideas or concepts from the relevant theories used in creating study/ research.
Subheadings are written in number (1, 2, 3 etc), the next subheadings are written in small letters, Bold, (a, b, c, etc), Bahnschrift font, 12pt, space 1,15. The first paragraph is left aligned, straight to main headings. The next paragraphs are indented first line 0,8 cm.
Method contains steps/ procedure and method used in study/ research. It should be detailed, clear and concise.
Subheadings are written in number (1, 2, 3 etc), the next subheadings are written in small letters, Bold, (a, b, c, etc), Bahnschrift font, 12pt, space 1,15. The first paragraph is left aligned, straight to main headings. The next paragraphs are indented first line 0,8 cm.
This part covers the findings and discussion which cannot be separated from each other. It describes the result of study/ research. The result should summarize findings rather than providing data in clear, scientific and detailed form.
The next paragraphs are indented first line 0,8 cm. If there is a table, the title is placed on the table but if the title is graphic, it is put below the graphic. Subheadings are written in number (1, 2, 3 etc), the next subheadings are written in small letters, Bold, (a, b, c, etc), Bahnschrift font, 12pt, space 1,15. The first paragraph is left aligned, straight to main headings.
Conclusion states the description tells the answer of the research objectives. Make it in clear and concise statements. Make a great interpretation to conclude the study, do not repeat abstract and give clear explanation and pressure of something such as about choosing appropriate application, method etc or other suggestions.
It is written in Bahnschrift font, 12pt, spasi 1,15. The first paragraph is left aligned, straight to main headings and the next paragraphs are indented first line 0,8 cm.
Please, check the guidance suggested. It follows APA style 6th edition. Use APA for in-text citations and the reference list also check the reference style from such as Mendeley or Zotero. Do not Use footnotes. The following are samples of writing references according to the style of KABASTRA journal:
Aspinall, V. (Ed.). (2014). Clinical procedures in veterinary nursing (3rd ed.). Edinburgh, Scotland: Elsevier.
Baihaqi, I. (2020). Sastra lisan di pati dan magelang. Yogyakarta: Anom Pustaka.
Cannan, J. (2008). Using practice based learning at a dual-sector tertiary institution: A discussion of current practice. In R. K. Coll, & K. Hoskyn (Eds.), Working together: Putting the cooperative into cooperative education. Conference proceedings of the New Zealand Association for Cooperative Education, New Plymouth, New Zealand. Retrieved from http://www.nzace.ac.nz/conferences/papers/Proceedings_2008.pdf
Galtung, J. (2003). Studi perdamaian: perdamaian dan konflik pembangunan dan peradaban. Surabaya: Pustaka Eureka.
Gardiner, A., Curtis, C., & Michael, E. (Producers), & Waititi, T. (Director). (2010). Boy: Welcome to my interesting world [DVD]. New Zealand: Transmission.
Huy, C., Becker, S., Gomolinsky, U., Klein, T., & Thiel, A. (2008). Health, medical risk factors and bicycle use in everyday life in the over-50 population. Journal of Aging & Physical Activity, 16(4), 454-464.
McKinney, C., & Smith, N. (2005). Te Tiriti o Waitangi or The Treaty of Waitangi: What is the difference? In D. Wepa (Ed.), Cultural safety in Aotearoa New Zealand (pp. 39-57). Auckland, New Zealand: Pearson Education New Zealand.
Ministry of Health. (2014). Ebola: Information for the public. Retrieved from http://www.health.govt.nz/your-health/conditions-and-treatments/diseases-and-illnesses/ebolainformation-public
Nurgiyantoro, B. (1998). Transformasi penokohan tokoh wayang dalam fiksi indonesia. Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora, 3(3), 125–144. Diambil dari https://journal.uny.ac.id/index.php/humaniora/article/view/5281/4580
Nurgiyantoro, B. (2014). Stilistika. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
Palmer, F. (2007). Treaty principles and Maori sport: Contemporary issues. In C. Collins & S. Jackson (Eds.), Sport in Aotearoa/New Zealand society (2nd ed., pp. 307-334). South Melbourne, Australia: Thomson.
Pet therapy. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.holisticonline.com/ stress/stress_pet-therapy.htm
Ul, B. (2014). Foregrounded: A comparative stylistic analysis of Their Eyes Were Watching God and its Turkish translation. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 158, 37–42. DOI:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.12.030
Wijana, I. D. P. (2022). Target domains of ayam ’chicken’ in Indonesian proverbs. KABASTRA, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.31002/kabastra.v2i1.55
Williams, J., & Seary, K. (2010). Bridging the divide: Scaffolding the learning experiences of the mature age student. In J. Terrell (Ed.), Making the links: Learning, teaching and high quality student outcomes. Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the New Zealand Association of Bridging Educators (pp. 104-116). Wellington, New Zealand.
Put the title on the table and place the title below the graphic or figure. Use Bahnschrift font, 12pt.