KASTARA2024-11-20T08:04:27+00:00Jurnal Journal Systems<p><strong>The KASTARA Journal</strong> is community service activities related to agricultural product technology, agricultural engineering, agricultural industrial technology, nutrition and public health, pharmacy, biology, climatology, agroecotechnology, soil science, agricultural cultivation, plant protection, medicine , family and consumers, livestock, fisheries, forestry, conservation, environment, socio-economics, engineering, and entrepreneurship</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Diversifikasi Olahan Ikan Nila Untuk Masyarakat Di Kecamatan Kawali, Kabupaten Ciamis, Jawa Barat 2024-06-07T06:30:55+00:00Catur Pramono<p>All cadets in the Fishery Product Processing Engineering and Fish Cultivation study programs participated in Community Service Activities (PKM), with the goal of understanding, adapting, and identifying various activities in the cultivation and processing areas in order to train themselves before entering the workforce. The goals of this PKM activity are to learn about the characteristics of the Nila Village cultivation and processing area, Banjarwaru Hamlet, Kawali District, Ciamis Regency, as well as the social and economic income activities of the Nila Village cultivating and processing community. According to the findings of this activity, the types of fish processing businesses in Nila Kawali Village are jellyfish products, kurucuk, gemil noodles, tilapia ice cream, and tilapia fish sticks; POKLAHSAR business activities do not have fixed income and expenses because products are processed as orders are received; and all products do not have a long shelf life because they do not contain preservatives.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL KASTARA Teknologi Untuk Penyuluh Dan Pelaku Usaha Perikanan2024-05-26T08:18:13+00:00Catur Pramono Adipramonoadi.catur@gmail.comWaluyo<p>The goal of technology refresh initiatives is to spread awareness of suggested technological advancements, particularly those created by the Maritime and Fisheries Research and Development Agency. However, there is a disparity between the technological needs at the community level and the available technology in different regions. The extent of this disparity varies depending on the region's potential and the carrying capacity of its human resources. A number of inferences can be drawn, including: 1. According to the participants, this activity is very helpful for expanding knowledge, particularly in the area of technology, which serves as the basis for technical advise. With varying degrees of progress, participants' knowledge increased. Naturally, this has to do with the participants' varied educational and professional backgrounds (capture and aquaculture), as well as the potential of the fisheries in their respective regions and the range of information offered.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL KASTARA Budi Daya Ikan Nila Bagi Kelompok Pembudidaya Ikan Di Kecamatan Kawali, Kabupaten Ciamis, Jawa Barat 2024-05-26T10:19:55+00:00Catur Pramono Adipramonoadi.catur@gmail.comRomauli Julia<p>Naturally, greater agricultural output is necessary to satisfy society's growing demands. Increasing the density of stockings is one possible endeavor. The production of fish will increase with the stocking density in a cultivation container, which will also affect the amount of money made. While high fish density affects low growth and increased stress on fish, low density affects good growth and high survival rates but low production per area. Understanding the social and economic income activities of the cultivating and processing community in Nila Village, Banjarwaru Hamlet, Kawali District, Ciamis Regency, as well as the characteristics of the cultivator area—Banjarwaru Hamlet, Kawali District, Ciamis Regency—are the goals of this PKM activity. As a result of this effort, six groups of cultivators have been formed in Kawali Nila Village, Banjarwaru Hamlet, Kawali District, Ciamis Regency. Nila Village raises tilapia, a fish species that goes through three stages: hatching, nursery, and grow-out.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL KASTARA Perempuan Melalui Budidaya Akuaponik Dan Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Dalam Kegiatan Pekarangan Pangan Lestari Masyarakat Dusun Pringtali Desa Jogonegoro Kabupaten Magelang 2024-11-01T05:40:00+00:00Andri Nofreeana<p>Based on data collected by the Magelang Regency Livestock and Fisheries Service, in 2021 the average consumption of fishery products will reach 25,000 tons and caught fish will reach 300 tons (Tribun Jogja, 2022). This data is inversely related to the level of fish consumption in Magelang Regency. The level of fish consumption needs to be increased because it greatly affects health and nutritional intake, especially for children and the elderly. Based on this data, efforts are needed to increase fish consumption. One of them is that the use of the yard can be optimized to meet daily food needs, or what is often called sustainable food. The application method given in the field is by providing training to the women of Pringtali hamlet Rt 04/Rw 02 and Rt 03/Rw 02. The training consisted of aquaponic cultivation techniques and making cultivated fish samosas. Based on the results of the service, it can be concluded that all participants stated that they liked and were interested in taking part in training activities, being able to make or take part in training on aquaponic cultivation, and making catfish samosas, participants stated that the material presented by the presenting team or presenters was clear. The resulting output was the formation of 5 family groups that implemented aquaponics and catfish cultivation.</p>2024-11-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL KASTARA Of Bioreeftech to Preserve Marine Ecosystems2024-11-20T02:44:37+00:00RAUT<p>Abstract</p> <p>Coral reefs are one of the most productive and diverse ecosystems in the world. Still, their existence continues to be threatened by various environmental pressures such as climate change, pollution, and human activities. Restoration is an important solution to restore degraded ecosystems, one of which is using Bioreeftek technology. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Bioreeftek as an artificial substrate in supporting coral reef restoration at the service location. Activities are carried out by selecting the right location based on physical, chemical, and biological parameters, installing the Bioreeftek structure, and monitoring initial results. The evaluation results show that Bioreeftek has good structural stability. Bioreeftek has proven effective in supporting the coral reef restoration process, with great potential for application in other locations with similar environmental characteristics.</p>2024-11-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL KASTARA