JURNAL KASTARA 2023-12-12T16:22:01+00:00 Jurnal KASTARA Open Journal Systems <p>KASTARA is community service activities related to agricultural product technology, agricultural engineering, agricultural industrial technology, nutrition and public health, pharmacy, biology, climatology, agroecotechnology, soil science, agricultural cultivation, plant protection, medicine , family and consumers, livestock, fisheries, forestry, conservation, environment, socio-economics, engineering, and entrepreneurship</p> INTRODUKSI PRODUK NILA SALIN PADA DESA MITRA POLITEKNIK KELAUTAN DAN PERIKANAN KARAWANG 2023-11-13T15:52:42+00:00 Catur Pramono Adi <p>One of the problems that exists among coastal communities in Karawang Regency, especially Tirtajaya District, is that the majority of cultivated land owned by the community is brackish or salty. This causes the diversity of biota types to be cultivated to be limited, so other types are needed. The aim of implementing community service activities in 2023 is: to provide input on innovations in the marine and fisheries sector, especially the fisheries cultivation sector, to community actors or cultivators, with results including: 1. Increased knowledge and skills of the target community in Karawang Regency in aquatic Tilapia Cultivation activities brackish, 2). Implementation of outreach to increase education and motivation among target communities in Karawang Regency in brackish water cultivation businesses, 3). Increasing the competency of members of the Tambaksari community group in cultivating saline tilapia.</p> 2023-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL KASTARA PELATIHAN DAN PENDAMPINGAN PENGOLAHAN NUGGET LELE WORTEL PADA KELOMPOK WANITA TANI DI DUSUN GRENJENG, DESA GANDUSARI, KECAMATAN BANDONGAN, KABUPATEN MAGELANG 2023-11-20T03:22:18+00:00 Annisa Novita Sari <p>Catfish is a type of freshwater fish that contains abundant protein. Catfish is also a food source with high nutrition so it needs to be processed properly in order to increase people's interest in consuming catfish. One of them is by processing catfish into nuggets, by combining animal food and vegetable food, so that this food will have a nutritional content that is high enough to be consumed. The method used is the lecture method and active participation in the training activities provided. The training was attended by the Head of Gandusari Village, Head of farmer women's group (KWT) Permai Tani. The activity started with preparing tools and materials, delivering material about digital marketing, practicing making carrot catfish nuggets, and handing over cooking equipment to KWT Permai Tani. From this activity it can be concluded that the public likes the Carrot Catfish Nugget products that have been made. The suggestion for the next activity is that the community can independently practice directly making fishery products.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> </p> 2023-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL KASTARA PENINGKATAN PERILAKU HIDUP BERSIH DAN SEHAT BAGI PELAKU USAHA SLONDOK PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 DI DESA KENALAN, KECAMATAN BOROBUDUR, KABUPATEN MAGELANG 2023-12-12T15:15:34+00:00 Wike oktasari <p>Clean and healthy living behaviors refer to all health behaviors carried out out of an awareness so that family members can help themselves in the health sector and take an active role in neighborhood health activities. Coronavirus disease-19, known as Covid-19, is a infectious disease. This virus is capable of infecting people of all ages. Covid-19 also has an impact on business practitioners in doing their business. This project included two types of activities: Clean and healthy living behaviors and health and environmental hygiene education. Clean and healthy living behaviors among Slondok business practitioners can be seen from 10 indicators. Participants' blood pressure was tested for free during health education, and environmental hygiene education, including the methode of eracdicating mosquito larvae. The clean and healthy living habits among slondok business practitioners is intended to keep them healthy and able to sustain their production and also increasing the revenue for their families in the face of the Covid-19 pandemies.</p> 2023-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL KASTARA EDUKASI PENANGANAN DAN PENGOLAHAN DAGING KURBAN DI MASJID AL IKHSAN KRAMAT SELATAN, KOTA MAGELANG, JAWA TENGAH 2023-11-07T04:17:31+00:00 Muhammad Iqbal Fanani Gunawan Soraya Kusuma Putri Martha Arum Nugraheni Rahayu Wulan Pradipta Bayuaji Pramono <p>Holiday celebrations carried out by Muslims include Eid al-Fitr, and the second is Eid al-Adha, or what people call the Eid al-Sacrifice holiday. Eid al-Adha has provisions that have been determined according to Islamic law. These provisions include being Muslim, financially capable, resourceful, and mature. People who are said to have abilities are people who are sufficient in terms of assets, both for themselves and their families. Sacrificial meat is a food product that has the potential for danger both biologically, physically, and chemically, which occurs when the sacrificial animal is slaughtered. Therefore, it is necessary to implement cleanliness and sanitation during the process of handling and processing sacrificial meat for the sacrificial animal slaughter committee at the Al-Ikhsan Mosque and the Sanden community in South Kramat, Magelang City.</p> 2023-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL KASTARA PENINGKATAN PEMAHAMAN KONSEP MANAJEMEN BAGI MASYARAKAT NELAYAN DI LAUT ARGAPURA, DISTRIK JAYAPURA SELATAN, KOTA JAYAPURA 2023-10-24T09:03:51+00:00 Grace C.L. Rumbiak <p>The fishing community in Argapura Laut, South Jayapura District, Jayapura City has a settlement pattern that is above sea water, so the connecting road there is a rafting road. The condition of the existing jeramba road depends on the economy of the existing community. Each house has responsibility for the rapids around its house. The economic conditions of the people in Argapura Laut are very varied so it is very necessary to increase knowledge about management. The livelihood of the people in Argapura Laut is dominated by fishermen. The concept of fishermen there is fishing with basic fishing techniques. The aim of this service is to increase knowledge and understanding of the application of management concepts for the fishing community in Argapura Laut, South Jayapura District, Jayapura City. The method used is outreach and training on the implementation of POAC for the community. The expected result is that people have knowledge and understanding of management science and concepts and can apply them in everyday life so that people can maximize what is meant by effective and efficient.</p> 2023-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL KASTARA