The Effect Of Using Shopee Paylater And Fashion Involvement On Consumptive Behavior With Financial Literacy As A Moderating Variable For Students At Palangkaraya University.


  • Syahbandi Universitas Palangkaraya
  • Solikah Purwanti Universitas Palangkaraya
  • Ani Mahrita Universitas Palangkaraya



Shopee Paylater Usage, Fashion Involvement, Consumer Behavior, Financial Literacy


ABSTRACT. The development in this modern era is very significant and especially in the economic field. So that it turns into a digital economy. The digital economy consists of fintech and e-commerce. The high use of fintech innovations in the form of paylater with shopee paylater which is often used by Indonesians and the purchase of clothing products in e-commerce, of course, will affect consumptive behavior. Therefore, financial literacy is needed so that it does not have an impact on consumptive behavior. This attracts researchers to see the effect of using shopee paylater and fashion involvement on consumptive behavior with financial literacy as a moderating variable. In this study, sampling used purposive sampling with a descriptive analysis approach. And using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) - Partial Least Square (PLS), SmartPLS 4.0 software. The results showed: 1) The use of Shopee Paylater has a positive and significant effect on Consumptive Behavior; 2) Fashion Involvement has a positive and significant effect on Consumptive Behavior; 3) Financial Literacy has a positive and significant effect on Consumptive Behavior; 4) The use of Shopee Paylater on Consumptive Behavior with Financial Literacy has a positive and significant moderating effect (strengthening); 5) Fashion Involvement on Consumptive Behavior with Financial Literacy has a positive and significant moderating effect (strengthening).


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