A Young Entrepreneur Triumph: A Study On The Determinants Of Entrepreneurial Intention Of University Students
Entrepreneurial Intention, Students, Young EntrepreneurAbstract
This study aims to examine several factors that can influence student entrepreneurial intentions through factors of family support, weak institutions, need motivation, opportunity motivation, university support, self-efficacy, and leadership. The approach used is a quantitative approach by conducting a survey of 120 students who already have businesses spread across several universities in Yogyakarta. The results showed that family support, opportunity motivation, university support, self-efficacy, and leadership had a significant and positive influence on entrepreneurial intention. “Poor” institutional factors have a negative effect, thus providing an inverse impact. As an implication, the government and universities are expected to be more consistent in providing a forum for classroom learning and direct practice by involving student organizations and financial support for students who do business so that their businesses can grow and open as many jobs as possible.
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