Proses produksi amoniak di PT. Petrokimia Gresik sering kali terhambat karena kerusakan peralatan, salah satunya adalah karena kegagalan pada poros pompa sentrifugal 107 JA. Pompa ini sebelumnya mengalami penggantian poros pada tanggal 15 Oktober 2021 saat dilakukan overhaul maintenance karena porosnya patah di bagian tengah. Penelitian ini akan menganalisis kegagalan poros pompa 107 JA, termasuk spesifikasi material poros, bentuk pola patahan poros, dan beban kerja saat pompa beroperasi. Dengan menggunakan literatur terkait dan simulasi metode elemen hingga pada aplikasi Ansys, diharapkan dapat ditemukan penyebab kegagalan dan dibuat rekomendasi untuk mencegah kegagalan serupa terjadi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis metode elemen hingga menggunakan aplikasi Ansys, poros pompa 107 JA mengalami kegagalan akibat beban torsi yang melebihi nilai fatigue limit material stainless steel 17-4 PH, di mana poros menerima beban tegangan maksimum sebesar 609,79 MPa di bagian tengah porosnya dekat dengan rumah pasak. Material stainless steel 17-4 PH hanya mampu menahan beban tegangan maksimum sebesar 655 MPa sehingga nilai tegangan maksimum yang terjadi pada poros sangat mendekati nilai fatigue limit material. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan kegagalan pada poros terjadi.
Kata Kunci: Poros, Torsi, Metode Elemen Hingga
The ammonia production process at PT. Petrokimia Gresik is often hindered by equipment damage, one of which is the failure of the shaft in centrifugal pump 107 JA. The pump had previously undergone a shaft replacement on October 15, 2021, during an overhaul maintenance due to a broken shaft in the middle section. This study aims to analyze the failure of the shaft in pump 107 JA, including the material specifications of the shaft, the pattern of shaft fracture, and the workload when the pump is in operation. By utilizing relevant literature and conducting finite element method simulations using Ansys software, it is expected to identify the causes of failure and provide recommendations to prevent similar failures from occurring. Based on the finite element method analysis using Ansys software, the shaft in pump 107 JA failed due to a torque load exceeding the fatigue limit value of stainless steel 17-4 PH material. The shaft experienced a maximum stress load of 609.79 MPa near the keyway area in the middle section. Stainless steel 17-4 PH material can only withstand a maximum stress load of 655 MPa, so the maximum stress experienced by the shaft was very close to the fatigue limit value of the material. This is the reason behind the shaft failure.
Keyword: Shaft, Torque, Finite Element Method