Author Guidelines
- IJOME accepts the articles which have not been published yet in other media.
- The length of the manuscript is 5-15 pages (see the template), written in English language.
- Manuscript comprises five main headings : Introduction; Method; Result and Discussion; Conclusions; References.
- Author’s names are written below the title, followed by author’s affiliation (name of the affiliation, address, post code, and country) and e-mail address.
- The abstract is written in English language, as a representation of the manuscript. The abstract should not exceed 250 words, written narratively comprising aim/objective, method, and findings of the research/article, in one paragraph.
- Keywords: words or phrases which are important, specific, or representative to the article.
- The manuscript should be written in following TEMPLATE.
- The manuscript must be in Microsoft Word (.doc/ .docx/ .rtf) and sent to the journal system via online submission by creating account in this Open Journal System (OJS).
- All the manuscript will be reviewed and if necessary, the authors will be asked to revise based upon the editor’s work. The editor has their rights to make simple correction relating to the words.
- All Author(s)’s names and identity(es) must be completely embedded in the form filled in by the corresponding author : email; affiliation; and each author’s short biography (in column of ‘Bio Statement’).
- All correspondences, information, and decisions for the submitted manuscript are conducted through email written in the manuscript and/or the emails used for the submission. The status of the manuscript can be checked in the OJS by logging into the journal.
- If you have submission queries, please contact