Author Guidelines

  • The manuscript is in Indonesian or English. It should be original and not been published previously, nor is it in the review process in other journals.
  • No academic degree should be attached to author name(s).
  • Below the author name(s) should be written their institution/academic affiliation, country and corresponding email address.
  • The manuscript should be between 10 and 15 pages long in one column format 1,15-line spacing, Arial, font size 11.
  • The title should be concise and clear consisting of not more than 15 words, typed in first capital.

 The manuscript should contain the following:

  • Title: Titles should reflect the essence of the writing, be specific, be effective and does not exceed 15 words, typed using Arial, font size 16
  • Name of author: Write the name of author without title and marked *) for footnotes containing affiliates, country and corresponding email addresses.
  • Abstract: Consist of two languages, Indonesian dan English. It presents the purpose of the research, research methods, results and discussion, and contribution to the fields of tourism. Abstract should not exceed 250 words. Typed in Arial, font size 10.
  • Keywords: Keywords reflects the concept of the article. Keywords can be words, phrases, or groups of words that reflect the manuscript content ranging from 3-5 keywords from specific to general.
  • The body of the manuscript includes: (a) the introduction (15-20%) comprising background, problem formulation, literature review, objectives and benefits, (b) research methods (5-10%), (c) results and discussion (60-70 %) and conclusions (5%).
  • Introduction:  The introduction clearly describes the background of the study, research context, research problems, research gap, research objectives, and state of art/novelty. Please DO NOT PUT LITERATURE REVIEW of different sub chapter. Authors can include the literature or previous research on Introduction. This is very important. After you provide brief introduction and the problem you want to study, you need to put previous researches (literature review) that had been done related to your research problem and how they are different from your research. This will lead to the novelties of your paper.
  • Methodology: It explains the materials, methods, etc. used for the study. It contains research design, population and sample, participant/subject/sample, data collection techniques, research/study models, and analysis techniques. The explanation includes at least the types and sources of data as well as and the analytical methods or tools used
  • Result and Discussion: It contains the results of data analysis/policy analysis, hypothesis testing, answering research/study questions, findings, and interpreting findings. The results are supported by evidence that is strongly reliable and properly validated. It contains the results of the research/study and their discussion. The discussion should be related to the previous findings, both of the author’s past research or other researchers’. Discussion of the results is based on analysis of data; results are not overstated or overgeneralized. Avoid repetition of the same statement previously mentioned. It highlights the results in accordance with the existing literature and previous findings. The discussion should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. Compare results of the study to previous research and point out similarities and differences, explain these if possible. Return to the aim and research question and show how the aims have been met, and the research question answered.
  • Table: Title of the table is put on the top of the table, centered margin. Table should be typed in Arial, font size 9, and 1,15 spacing.
  • Figure. Title of figure is written under the figure and graph using centered margin. Title of figure/graph is typed in Arial, font size 9.
  • Conclusion: Conclusion should explain how the objectives of the study are accomplished. Containing summary of main findings of the research/study and suggestion for further research/study. Avoid repetition of the same sentences written previously under Results and Discussion section. Suggestions are required in the form of recommendations, actual follow-ups, implications of the conclusions obtained, and implications for tourism policy in general.
  • Acknowledgments (If any): Acknowledgments are made for significant contributions such as special funds, commercial firms or the author's professional associates.
  • References: All references should be in American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition format and presented inside the main body of article. You should attach at least 20 references. References should be in last 10 years. Please use reference manager such as Mendeley, Zotero, or EndNote to write the reference. The use of primary source for the references is strongly recommended.
  • Only the correct reference for the citation / quotation is included in the references, with the writing: first name, first name, year, title, city: publisher
  • Submitted articles that are in accordance with the layout and template
  • Author can download article template here