Author Guidelines

Writing Guidelines

  1. The writing must be an original work and the findings of a study. Published articles contain unpublished articles that have been published in other media.
  2. If the article has been previously published, editors, JKKM asks for evidence that is approved by the issuing institution that was previously published by JKKM.
  3. Long articles are translated between 20 pages of standard A4 margins with 1.5 spaces written in the Microsoft Word Processing program. The script is typed in 12 New Times New Roman letters.
  4. All articles must provide abstracts in two languages, namely Indonesian and English, which can give an idea of the essence of writing. The number of words for the two abstracts must not exceed 150 words, including keywords (keywords).
  5. All articles must provide one short paragraph that contains the author's biodata, including related affiliation and the author's email address.
  6. JKKM uses Indonesian in Enhanced Spelling (EYD).


The writing style guide can be downloaded on the following page.

Journal manuscript templates can be downloaded on the following page