Peer Review Process

The journal employs a peer-review mechanism where each submitted article should be anonymously reviewed by expert peers appointed by the editor. All manuscript submissions will be initially screened whether the manuscript has followed journal scope and author guidelines. All submitted manuscript will be screened using iThenticate for plagiarism checking before being sent to reviewers. Manuscript exceeding 30% in a plagiarism check will be automatically rejected.

The manuscript will be sent to the section editor and will be reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers. Every manuscript submitted to the JKKM will go through an Editorial Review and Double-Blind Peer Reviews. The decision on one manuscript is made by the Editorial Board meeting. The decision would be based on the advice from the reviewers and could be categorized into (1) Acceptable for publication without changes; (2) Acceptable for publications after minor revisions; (3) Acceptable for publication after major revisions; (4) Not acceptable for publication, but author(s) should be encouraged to resubmit; and (5) Reject.