Author Guidelines

Submit manuscripts in Word format to the online submission system at The site does not accept pdf files for upload. (Authors who are unable to submit anything but pdf files must contact the JPALG Editorial Office to ask a system administrator to upload those files for them. Should the article be accepted for publication, authors will have to convert pdf text files to Word for copy editing.) Upload a title page, with contact information for all authors, and be sure that all authors’ names are entered into the manuscript submission form.

A submitted manuscript should not be under review for publication in another outlet (e.g., book chapter, journal) while it is under review at JPALG. Authors should not re-submit a manuscript that JPALG has rejected at an earlier time.

Authors should take reasonable precautions to preserve the integrity of the blind review process and avoid potential conflicts of interest in the submission process. This includes not requesting as reviewers people who have previously seen the paper, previous or current coauthors, or colleagues at the authors’ institutions. The editors are not obliged to accept the author’s suggestions for preferred or non-preferred reviewers. Authors should also refrain from requesting handling editors who would have a conflict of interest in handling the paper. Please remove submitted manuscripts from public websites during the review process to the degree that is possible.

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

JPLAG does not have page limits, but we favor manuscripts that offer high intellectual value per page. Because of the difficulty of finding scholars who are willing to review very long manuscripts, we suggest, as a general guideline, that authors aim for manuscripts of 15 pages or fewer of text (not including references, tables, figures, or appendices). Editors reserve the option of returning very long manuscripts to authors for cutting before considering them for review.

Include an informative abstract of 200-300 words or fewer. Good abstracts describe the covers briefly the context of the problem (background), objectives of study, data/object of study, methodology, results or conclusion. Provide three until five keywords for the paper from the JPLAG keyword list.

Type all copy, except tables, 1,5 space in 11-point Tahoma type. Tables may be single spaced and in smaller fonts (10), if necessary, for formatting. Use footnotes sparingly. Essential material should be incorporated in the text; material with weak relevance should be deleted. Organize the manuscript by using primary, secondary, and tertiary headings , rather than numbered headings.

To preserve anonymity in the blind review process, authors should avoid revealing their identity in text through obvious self-references to previous work or in footnotes. If authors cite their own published work or work in progress, however, these references must be included in the references with full bibliographic information. Authors should reference their own work as they would the work of any other scholar. Reviewers will ask what the contribution of a manuscript is above what has already been published and must have this information.

Define a term accurately when it is first used and use it consistently with that meaning throughout. Find the best way to express an idea once, rather than repeating the same idea in different words. Do not use a clause where a phrase will do or a phrase where a word will do. Avoid jargon; do not mistake it for technical terminology.