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The KASTARA Journal is community service activities related to agricultural product technology, agricultural engineering, agricultural industrial technology, nutrition and public health, pharmacy, biology, climatology, agroecotechnology, soil science, agricultural cultivation, plant protection, medicine , family and consumers, livestock, fisheries, forestry, conservation, environment, socio-economics, engineering, and entrepreneurship
KASTARA is community service activities related to agricultural product technology, agricultural engineering, agricultural industrial technology, nutrition and public health, pharmacy, biology, climatology, agroecotechnology, soil science, agricultural cultivation, plant protection, medicine , family and consumers, livestock, fisheries, forestry, conservation, environment, socio-economics, engineering, and entrepreneurship
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Fakultas Pertanian
Kampus Sidotopo : Jl. Barito 1 No.2, Kedungsari, Kec. Magelang Utara, Kota Magelang, Jawa Tengah 59155
Telp. (0293) 364113
Fax. (0293) 362438
Universitas Tidar
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