Pengaruh Faktor Air Semen Terhadap Bata Ringan Interlock Menggunakan Pasir Sungai Progo


  • Dhimas Huda Tholabi Untidar
  • Ali Murtopo
  • Dwi Sat Agus Yuwana
  • Dedy Firmansyah


Water Cement Ratio, Compressive Strength, Interlock Light Brick, Interlock Brick


Lightweight interlock brick is an innovation brick consisting of fine aggregate, cement, water and foam agent. The material is then mixed with a certain composition that is determined so as to obtain quality lightweight brick results, there are several factors considered in the mixture, namely the content of the ratio of water weight to the total weight of cement in the mixture called the cement water Factor, lightweight interlock bricks that have the advantage of having a light weight and interlock on the brick will lock with other bricks. Progo river sand fine aggregate is used to utilize local river sand.The objective of this study was to determine the effect of variation of cement water Factor on the compressive strength of interlock brick using Progo river sand. Testing the compressive strength of lightweight interlock bricks was carried out on test specimens with variations in cement water Factor 0.4 ; 0.5 ; 0.6 ; 0.7 which were cut into cubes with a size of 100 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm, according to the requirements of SNI 03-0349-1989. Testing lightweight brick interlock tested compressive strength at the age of 28 days.

Results of the compressive strength of lightweight interlock brick showed the value of each successive variation of 1.795 MPa, 2.435 MPa, 2.1 MPa, 1.35 MPa. The highest compressive strength value and meets SNI 03-0349-1989 at FAS 0.5 variation with an average compressive strength of 2.435 MPa. Interlock lightweight brick category included in Class IIB in the weight category 900-1100 kg / m3. The water absorption of all variations of interlock lightweight brick is less than 25%.


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