
Information for Author

Indonesian Journal of Biology Education is a journal managed by Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Universitas Tidar. This journal accepts and publishes research articles that have not been previously published. The focus and scope of this journal are in the fields of Biology and Biology Education which include:

  1. Biology Learning
  2. Science (in Biology Topics) Learning
  3. Learning Resources/Teaching Materials/Biology Learning Media
  4. Biology Curriculum
  5. School Management/Biology Laboratory Management
  6. Biology Teacher Profession
  7. Biology Learning Evaluation
  8. Botany
  9. Zoology
  10. Ecology
  11. Genetics
  12. Microbiology
  13. Environmental Science
  14. Etnobiology/Science


The author can submit the article online through IJOBE webpage ( The publication stages from article submission, review, and publication can be fulfilled through the page. Correspondence between the author and the journal team can be done via email at

Some provisions that must be considered by the author in publishing articles in IJOBE include the following.

  1. The author must ensure that articles submitted to IJOBE are original articles that have not been published or under consideration of publication in other journals. In addition, the author must ensure that the submitted article does not contain elements of plagiarism. 
  2. The author who submits the manuscript to the IJOBE journal page has agreed to transfer copyright rights to Tidar University.
  3. The author must ensure that the articles are in the focus and scope of the journal and are formatted according to the IJOBE template. To facilitate the preparation of articles, use the provided template by copying and pasting text only in the template, adjusting to the style provided.